Purple Reiki

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Purple Reiki is especially useful for removing energy blockages and clearing the chakras to assist the process of self healing. We provide our purple reiki attunement as audio attunement for a little contribution. A reiki audio attunement is a mp3 file with sound/music that has received the energy structure/signature of a specific attunement. When you play the file, the listener receives the attunement in much the same way as if it were passed on “traditionally”.

purple reikiOur Purple Reiki attunement is now available for a little contribution and can be downloaded in a few clicks….
Download our Purple Reiki audio attunement below.

Author: Alain

Alain Goldreiki is an intuitive energy healer since 1999 and Reiki Master since 2011. He is in the lineage of Reiki founder Usui Mikao, Reiki Master Ole Gabrielsen (DK) and Reiki Master Michael Chad Fordham (USA). The lineage shows how far the energy is from the "founder source".